
在线学习 选项

如果你有责任和参与,使灵活的课程形式更理想的继续你的教育, you have 选项 at Young Harris College.


一些在线课程可以在一天中的任何时间和任何地点完成(通常称为异步课程)。. They are offered through Moodle, our learning management system.


Real-time 在线课程 (often called synchronous classes) include live, scheduled class meeting times. 课程使用Microsoft Teams进行授课,并结合常规的在线资源和作业 Moodle.

注册 在线课程

Current YHC students should talk to their advisor to register. If you are not a current YHC student, you must first enroll in the college before registering 在线课程.

a group of women posing for a photo


Working this summer and can’t get back to the mountains for classes? 为期八周的暑期课程提供核心课程和高级课程,非常适合你的专业. 我们的许多暑期课程也可以用于高中三年级或四年级的双重招生.


a man working on his laptop

Early college program

If you are a high school student taking dual enrollment classes, 请参阅早期大学计划,了解注册所需的具体步骤.

Frequently asked questions about 在线 learning

What is expected of me in an 在线 course?

参加在线课程通过参与在线教学活动取代面对面的传统课程,为学生提供了灵活性. 在线课程要求你在电脑上自学,并做大量的阅读. In order to be successful in an 在线 course, you must:

  • 在课程开始日期之前成功完成Moodle在线培训课程
  • 下载并安装所有必要的软件,如果需要软件方面的帮助,愿意观看教程
  • Seek help from your instructor when needed
  • 定期登录在线课程并遵循本教学大纲中的课程日历
  • Fully engage in the 在线 learning activities including podcasts, 家庭作业, 论坛, 和项目
  • 确保你有一个安静的学习空间来完成你的在线工作

If you still are unsure if an 在线 class is right for you, download and complete a self-inventory.

How comfortable should I be using technology?

An 在线 course will require students to download and upload documents, participate in 在线 forums, and discussions and take 在线 quizzes and tests. 学生应该能自如地使用电脑、浏览互联网和收发电子邮件.

What are the technology requirements for 在线课程?

You must have access to a computer (not a tablet) with:

  • Broadband Internet connection. 宽带互联网连接的例子是高速DSL或电缆调制解调器. You must have a back-up plan (a local library or fast-food restaurant, for example) in case your Internet goes out. Lack of wi-fi is not an acceptable excuse for missing a deadline.
  • Chrome的Windows和苹果电脑与Proctorio扩展安装
  • YHC电子邮件
  • A webcam with microphone for quiz/exam proctoring
  • The latest version of Adobe Reader
  • A current word processing software
  • Other software as dictated by course requirements in the course syllabus

Students are provided with a downloadable copy of Microsoft 365. Once you have obtained a YHC username and password, use these instructions to download the software.

When and where will I take the final exams f或者是se courses?

Final exams are held in the last week of the semester. They can be taken from anywhere with a good Internet connection. 考试有一个时间窗口,你可以在这个时间窗口选择什么时候参加考试. Once you begin, you only have 150 minutes to complete the exam. You must use a computer with a webcam/mic and a Chrome浏览器.

To ensure the security and integrity of the exam process, 成功完成YHC在线课程需要监考经验. 监考考试是指学生在考试时受到监督的考试. All YHC 在线 Courses have proctored final exams. Some may have additional proctored tests within the course.

Environment requirements for testing

  • A quiet, secure, fully lighted room f或者是 examination
  • No other people in the room
  • Sit at a clean desk or clean table (not in a bed or sofa)
  • 不要大声说话或以任何方式与他人交流(除非在紧急情况下与教员联系)
  • No leaving the room
  • Nothing except computer and external cameras on the desktop or tabletop. This includes the removal of all books, 论文, 笔记本电脑, and other materials, 除非某项考试的书面指引特别允许.
  • Students are not allowed to use the following unless otherwise noted by instructor/exam giver: Excel; Word; PowerPoint; Calculator (在线/computer or handheld devices; Textbooks (在线/computer or hardcopy books); Notes (在线/computer or hardcopy notes); Pen and Paper (f或者是 purpose of taking notes during exam or calculations); Other websites.
  • 外部摄像头, 在可能的情况下, should be placed on the lid of the laptop or where it will have a constant, uninterrupted view of the test taker
  • No writing visible on desk or on walls
  • 没有音乐播放
  • No other computers or other digital devices running in the exam room
  • No headphones or ear buds allowed
  • Webcam must be focused on the individual test taker
  • Lighting must be good quality

普罗克托里奥是什么? 是必须的吗??

青年哈里斯学院与Proctorio合作,为所有在线课程提供监考考试. Proctorio是一个基于云的系统,集成了Moodle LMS(学习管理系统)。. Proctorio验证了考生的身份,并捕捉了整个考试过程,然后由讲师审查.

学生需要一台带有摄像头和麦克风的电脑(内置或USB)。, 他们的学生证, the Google Chrome浏览器, and the Proctorio extension for exams. Proctorio is NOT compatible with tablets such as the Kindle Fire or iPad. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure these requirements are met.

如果您在监控器方面有技术问题,请检查以确保您正在使用 Chrome浏览器 and have the Proctorio extension installed. If you continue to experience technical issues, Proctorio offers 24/7 technical support to students at  866-948-2039.  这个号码应该可以24小时工作,但你可能需要留下信息,然后收到回电话.

Will I have a flexible schedule?

尽管在线课程需要花费大量的时间和精力,但这些时间和精力可以在你的时间表上完成. 如果学生有工作或家庭负担,在线课程可能是一个不错的选择.

注意: Real-time 在线课程 do require you to log on during certain hours. Currently this only applies to the courses f或者是 Master of Arts in Teaching. All other 在线课程 can be done on your schedule.

How will I find my way around my course?

YHC使用Moodle作为其在线课程的主要工具,学生将被要求通过一个简短的指导,这将使学生熟悉Moodle中的活动. Within each YHC 在线 course, 教员将作为向导帮助学生掌握课程.

Now that I’ve decided to take an 在线 course, what do I do next?

Once registered in your 在线 course, 您将收到有关您的课程材料和如何新葡京appMoodle方向的信息. Students should complete Moodle orientation before the course start date. Students can 电子邮件 the instructor to ask about specific requirements.

在线 credentials and licensure


青年哈里斯学院已被格鲁吉亚批准参加国家授权互惠协议全国委员会. NC-SARA是一种自愿的、区域性的方法,用于国家监督高等教育远程教育.

Professional licensure information

如果学生不是乔治亚州的居民,并且正在参加导致专业执照的课程或项目, 青年哈里斯学院不能保证课程或项目导致在学生的家乡州的专业执照.  每一个你.S. 州或地区对专业领域的许可和/或认证有自己的要求,新葡京官方app建议学生在入学前向学生打算实习的州的适当许可机构或委员会咨询.

对教师预备课程感兴趣的学生,请参阅YHC教师预备课程的专业执照信息 Master of Arts in Teaching Program 或者是 NC SARA Teacher Education 目录.

a person using a laptop


Contact the Office of the Registrar by 电子邮件 or at (706) 379-5230.